WLED ssSetup and Usage
When powering on your EspArtStick use a laptop, tablet, or phone and go into your WiFi connection settings.
Select WLED-AP
Password is wled1234
After connection, you will either get a new screen or will need to open up your internet browser and go to
Update your WiFi router connection settings and set a static IP to use along with your routers gateway (normally
Scroll to the bottom and check the disable WiFi Sleep, then click save and connect.
Go to your new Static IP address in your browser. Setup your LED count and other settings.
Make sure to go through your Sync setting for your E131.
In addition, you can also use the tool https://ledfx.app/ on your system for remote testing and other fun things.
Enable E1.31 support from the 'Sync Settings' page on the WLED web-interface.
Add the device as an E1.31 device.
If you have more than 170 LEDs click 'Additional Properties' and set the 'Universe Size' to 510.